This morning, I just needed a nice Sunday. That means I forwent on the formal morning and enjoyed some podcasts from Imago Dei while I made Peanut Butter Pie for the second time. I use this recipe only I use confectioner's sugar and not granulated. I put it in the freezer. Then Tony and I had some time this afternoon and munched on left overs from our dinner last night @ Yokozuna. It was our first time there last night and we LOVED it. Eventually, we decided on a movie and started watching The Interpreter which I'd never seen. In the middle of the film, we grabbed the pie out of the freezer and headed over to Jacarriah's house for a little double (sort of triple)-date action.
I can't express what it's like to be in a relationship that's recently turned a year old and still be falling madly, deeply, truly in love with that person on an every day basis. It's indescribable.