Thursday, June 3, 2010

This Week...

So, I posted the last blog entry on Monday afternoon, while I was waiting to know the plans we'd have for Memorial Day. Can I be honest and say that by Tuesday morning, I regretted that post immensely. I removed the link from my facebook status and seriously considered taking down the post entirely from blogger. Oh, I'm so dramatic. I even told Tony on Tuesday evening that I wanted to remove the post. He cracked up immediately, which is one of the reasons we get along so well--he thinks I'm hilarious. He said that that idea of taking down the evidence of an inspiring moment was crazy and I needed to hold on to that and let it continue to move me. [I lamented not just taking on the task of simply writing in the blog everyday, you know random tidbits, or even making myself read a book a week or something]...

Since then, I've gone a day without caffeine, which thankfully was not as terrible as I expected. No serious headaches to battle, no lethargy. My plans and days were a little disrupted yesterday. I set out to meet some girls for lunch over in Jenks, but our wires got crossed and due to my almost total neglect of my cell phone for the past six months, I left it at home. Thus, I missed many texts and calls to re-schedule... On my way back to my apartment to pick up my flash drive to as to ensure that all my files that I created for this last year of English could be saved for use again the in fall, my car started making a scary, terrible noise. I completely freaked out, but gratefully was less than a mile from Silver Sands... At first I thought I had a flat tire, but after further inspection realized that was not the case. To make a long story short, the belt under the hood (sorry, that's as good as I can explain, I'm not car savvy), was almost completely shredded. PTL, I made an appointment with Midas and by 11:30am this morning they'd completely repaired it.

Have I continued to think about Pain? Yes. I have even added suffering to the mix which has already broadened by vision of the subject. I am a firm believer in suffering as a part of the maturing process for humans. Hebrews 2:10 is actually one of my favorite verses:

Hebrews 2:10-11 (New International Version)

10In bringing many sons to glory, it was fitting that God, for whom and through whom everything exists, should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering. 11Both the one who makes men holy and those who are made holy are of the same family. So Jesus is not ashamed to call them brothers.

I have loved knowing throughout reading the Bible that the word PERFECT does not mean in the original language what we take it to mean in our culture. There is an interesting discourse on the topic here. To sum it up, this writer believes that the word perfect does not entirely mean without flaw or error, but more importantly--mature, healthy, or complete. The article also talks about being "perfected in love"...which he simply explains as humans being governed by the grace and love of God and not be selfish desires.

Matthew 5:48 (New International Version)

48Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

This concept makes this previous verse much easier to acknowledge and hide in our hearts.


LOL, I'm going to edit this post tomorrow, I'm getting to distracted to do it justice :)

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