Saturday, February 26, 2011

It's Been A While...

Having never before been fully committed to blogging, or perhaps not knowing how exactly I personally would morph into a blogger, I blogged randomly, sparsely, and quietly. However, after months of inspiration of looking over other's blogs, I've decided to settle down and start my own, start two even...
Last night, I started my Recipe Blog, Beginning with Celesté. Along with my adorable boyfriend, there's already a little web show, complete with musical intro, perhaps even a logo and catch phrase (lol) in the works. I hope to post that video by this Friday.
I'm really very excited to start sharing myself in some creative fashion with the world, whoever may be in the "world" I'll reach.
Since 2008, I have often thought and re-thought about taking a break (or leaving) my career path in Education. I've toyed with ideas of going to Cosmetology school, taking Culinary classes, or starting an Etsy shop (selling who knows what)... I've just felt so, so... stuffed up... like I have had a lot to say, to share, to be and haven't been able to find my way to do it. I hope the new blog, the web cooking show, and another perhaps surprising endeavor I've undertaken will stir around whatever dormant creativity I've got going on inside and give me ways to channel it into something tangible.
I hope whoever is reading will join me in my weirdly hopeful feeling that something will actually come out of all of this...

and please "follow" this blog and my cooking one, Beginning with Celesté :)


Hannah Lesley said...

Oh please, please, please blog a lot. It will make me feel like we don't live so far from each other. The blogosphere is welcoming you back with open arms!


CelestéMarie said...

Thanks, Hannah :) I hope to be like you and Kara and blog everyday...