Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Pi Day

3.14 - PI(E) Day :)

I hope to grab some pie later with my man... He was invited to a "hang-out" for creative types in the city where the leaders hope to show his video, "Too Fast,"  to the group.  I am quite jealous and hope to eventually receive an invite myself :)  However, I am also excited to have a little "me" time this evening.  I've got big going to Target, stocking up on cleaning supplies, and using my Target/Starbucks coupon for a $3 grande size drink.  I may also head over to Utica Square, if it's still early, and check out Pier One.  I think I need a new cushion or at least cushion cover for my papasan chair...the cream is getting a bit dingy...

I made delicious Zucchini Bread today and you can find that post and recipe here.  I cleaned the kitchen and am about to fold and continue doing laundry.  It's Spring Break for the teachers of MCA and I'm very happily almost ignorant of what day of the week it is :)  I can almost taste summer...and this summer, it's going to taste like 2 weeks of Tony and I enjoying Ocean City, NJ, Philly, PA, and NYC...

Needless to say, I'm excited.

Also, I made Panna Cotta for the firs time this week...recipe coming soon :)

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